Given that high school is populated by teenagers, and the primary interest of teenagers is... well, other teenagers, a fair amount of doing whatever is deemed necessary to impress and/or get the attention of members of the opposite sex occupies time during high school years. Even at East High School, where no one is over a size 4. (High School Musical reference there.)
Usually, attempts to get attention and curry favor with whoever the one true great and eternal love of a young lad or lassie's life is this week -- stop by next week to meet the next one true great and eternal love as they change often -- are restricted to familiar gestures: athletic or academic prowess, attempts to be witty with occasional forays into glibness and sometimes a dip into suave sophistication provided your acne medication is holding out. That said, sometimes a teen decides to go the extra mile to impress fellow teens.
Or the extra 200 feet.
By jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge and living to tell about it:
Frederic Lecouturier, 55, said he was surfing under the bridge when he saw the boy drop into the waves.
"I thought, 'Well, he's going to die,' and then it was a miracle when he popped up alive," said Lecouturier, of San Rafael. "I paddled out there, and he told me he jumped 'for kicks.'
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