Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Big Move

Earlier this year, it was decided that CSE would reunite its Walnut Creek and San Francisco offices in one location. The two had been one before September of 2000, when part of the office moved to Walnut Creek while the rest remained in San Francisco.

Walnut Creek was chosen as the new home. Rather than relocate in order to accommodate the San Francisco staff, a certain amount of renovation and expansion has been called for.

Since we don't have the luxury of putting out a "pardon our dust while we remodel to serve you better" sign, as is the case in retail, we of the Walnut Creek office have been working to the accompaniment of assorted saws, drills and whatnot for a few weeks. It's been an interesting time.

Anyway, thought a small photographic journal of where the construction is at might be of interest:

Some people just can't resist the urge to save every scrap of paper that comes across their desk.

There's a hallway in there somewhere...

We were hoping for a skylight, but the people in the offices on the next floor up simply refused to cooperate.

A bold experiment in minimalistic painting!

I could have sworn we ordered something slightly more heavy-duty...

Not quite sure what this room will end up being, but in the meanwhile it's being used as storage space for the North Pole.

And all of this without a hiccup in services!

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